I'm simply too old for this craziness. I wake-up and pray before my feet ever hit the ground that I won't forget anything truly important. I don't know how long I could sustain this pace. I know God gives strength, and that's a good thing because I sure need it.
Hear me when I say, I am not complaining. I LOVE what I'm doing for my church, and I LOVE what I'm doing with Perspectives (both my new job and the class I help coordinate). I also positively adore my children, their friends, my husband...the whole shabang. However, when you're birthdate happens to nearly coincide with men walking on the moon, running all over creation and attempting to remember four pages of job descriptions is a bit of a stretch.
I'm getting ready to head off to Palm Springs, accompanying my husband on a railroad finance business trip. I'll be doing 20 hours of Bible study about the Biblical basis for Christians supporting other Christians in full-time ministry. Its amazing and fascinating, and radically changing my views about this topic.
However...that's not what I'm writing about! (Easily distractible 40-something brains can be a real pain!)
I wanted to say that I'm heading to Palm Springs with my amazing, wonderful, fantastic husband of 21 years, and we'll be able to be in a room together without an agenda for the first time in FOR-ever. And I CAN NOT WAIT!!!! Gosh, I love that guy.
So...here's the song I can't seem to get out of my brain lately. Mr. Hall...You are the one I will never be done with : )
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