I guess you've heard the old saying, "If it isn't one thing....its twenty?!"
Other than being rather overwhelmed by the business of this transition between one job and another, I thought everything was floating along rather swimmingly. Then we came back from our trip, and all sorts of stuff hit the fan.
We were supposed to hit the ground running last Thursday. As soon as our plane landed, I needed to complete the final touches on my boot camp homework then run out to the Perspectives Fayetteville class that evening. Instead, I started feeling pretty cruddy on the plane, and decided I'd better just crash early and skip the class.
Friday morning I drug myself to the first 10-hour day of fund-raising boot camp, and spent the better part of the sessions coughing into my arm and just trying to stay awake. Friday night, I had the worst chills/sweats/fever I've ever experienced. I honestly thought I might have broken a rib during one violent episode of shaking. After a night like that, day two of boot camp just wasn't in the cards.
Saturday was spent in a semi-coma. I think I got up to go to the bathroom, but I can't be sure.
Sunday was intended to be spent in my new member training with the Frontier Missions Crew. Instead, I enjoyed a luxurious day of attempting to keep my lungs inside my body, rather than coughing them up on my bedside table.
By Monday, the second day of new member training, I was a disaster. If my dear hubby hadn't called me to say he'd made an appointment for me with our doctor, I was going to call and ask him to take me to the ER. A chest x-ray revealed no pneumonia, thank God, but I probably had a combination flu and secondary infection due to seasonal allergies. After a lovely shot in the posterior and a hefty prescription for antibiotics, I ventured back to my bed to pray for relief.
Praise God, last evening I actually felt human for the first time in five days. This morning, I was sitting up and typing, attempting to get caught up on life again, as my darling husband walked through the door with more news, "I have two flat tires."
Even though I have absolutely no idea how I'm supposed to make up the boot camp or the new member training, or where we're going to come up with the money to replace the tires, I still know that I'm making the right move. I'm just not so sure I want to know what stuff is next!
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