In the meantime, I've had a couple of revelations lately, and considering that I'm sitting here with a giant mug of pumpkin spice coffee, I figured I'd take minute to jot them down.
Back in the day when all my wee ones were...well....wee, I was a stay-at-home mom. I enjoyed it, but as the kids got a little older and more self-sufficient, I began pondering that age -old question, "Is this really all there is?" I simply didn't feel very important.
Somewhere in a box in our storage unit (the 10x10 unit; not the 3000 sq/ft storage unit we are still trying to sell) sits an old book I completed when I was 8 years old. The title of this relic is, "My Book About Me," and in it are all sorts of questions about my likes and dislikes, hopes and dreams. At the ripe old age of eight, I declared that I wanted to be a Mom when I grew up. At eight years of age, however, "Mom" doesn't necessarily imply what that word truly entails.
All I knew was that Moms are awesome! I didn't truly understand that the job title of "Mom" actually means maid, chauffer, cook, nurse, teacher, personal shopper, etc, etc. I just knew that everyone loves their Mom, and I wanted to be loved.
As the four little people who called me "Mom" grew up, I recognized that I was working myself out of a job, and I desperately wanted to be acknowledged and necessary. I wanted people to appreciate all I had to offer, so I did what any reasonable person would do: I got a job (outside the home).
And here's what I learned during the couple of decades I've spent working in administration: I am a very good Mom. Now I'm not saying I'm not a good administrator. I'm okay at that, too. The thing that brings me joy, however, is nurturing people and providing them with a safe, cozy, warm, loving environment to call home.
Do you want to hear the most amazing part of this epiphany? God knows this about me, and He took me out of a career in which I was merely competent, and gave me the desire of my heart. By simply obeying His leading, I am doing that which brings me the greatest happiness.
Until this point on my journey my eyes would not have been open to this. My heart simply wasn't prepared to accept that "Mom" is what I was created to be. Here I am, though...a Mom away from home to many young ladies (and gentlemen to a certain extent), and I am loving every minute of it. My God is so good to me!
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