I wish I had a dollar for every time I've tried to read the Bible from start to finish. I'd have like...okay, maybe 15 bucks. The truth is, I've probably read most of the Bible multiple times, but I had never done that thing that makes you a truly committed Christian; you know, a dyed in the wool, Jesus-freaky, card-carrying Believer. That one elusive check-mark on my list of "How to be a Spiritually Superior Being" left a big gaping hole in my soul.
Oh, I had the very best of intentions. I have purchased several "Through the Bible" 365-day versions of the Good Book, as well as accompanying devo's and journals in which to record all of my inspired insights. In my heart and mind, this has been the most epic failure of my entire eternal life, and not being able to cross this item off my list left me feeling like a Grade-A LOSER.
Somewhere around the book of Numbers, I just fall apart. For whatever reason, be it boredom or rebellion, around the 5th chapter of eight-syllable names, my brain goes numb, and I find myself mentally redecorating every room of my home...as well as my friends' homes, too!
Which bring me to this portion of my Health Journey; my spiritual health.
Back in February of this year (2014), I decided, once again, to take up this gauntlet and trudge through God's Holy Word. I even chose a truly righteous challenge and began a 90-day (that's right NINETY day...THREE month) reading plan on my oh-so-handy YouVersion Bible App (droid, not iphone, for those who care). I sat down with my coffee and 5.whatever screen and read, "In the beginning..." aaaaaaaaand 15 chapters later, my mental living room was absolutely gorgeous! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!
That's when I noticed the little megaphone at the bottom of my screen. Tapping on that tiny icon, I discovered the secret to my perplexing dilemma and was introduced to "mellow voice man," the answer to my spiritual brain fog, With knitting in hand and Mr. Mellow on my phone, I was able to keep my hands busy and my mind focused. I have always considered myself a visual person, but gosh darnit if I'm not an auditory/kinesthetic learner. Who knew? (Okay, probably God and anyone who has ever tried to teach me anything...but it was brand-new info to me!)
Yesterday, November 9, 2014, I finally completed my long-coveted title of "Bible Reader" (or Listener, as the case may be). No, I didn't do it in 90 days. In fact I hit the "reset" button so many times my phone started laughing at me, but I did finish and in less than a year.
...Well...except for Numbers. Even mellow-voice-man couldn't get me through it. Sorry God. I married an accountant for a reason, you know : )
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