Friday, May 31, 2013

Trusting the Engineer

A few months ago we were approached by another ministry that offered to purchase our house so that we could be free to purchase the ISCA house.  To be sure, Rick and I had firmly decided we never wanted to own another home.  We planned to rent for the rest of our earthly existence so as to be able to drop everything and say "yes" to God, regardless of where or when He called.  However, when the other ministry made this offer, we prayed and talked, and were fairly certain this was an answer to our prayers.

Curve Ball Alert...

After appraisals and discussions and negotiations and other such real estate stuff, the other ministry decided they just couldn't make the numbers work and the offer was taken off the table.  It happens.

And we are, left asking the question, "Does God want us to buy ISCA house?  Does He want us to be all in with International Student Ministry?"  We can't deny what we truly believe He was saying at the time we decided to walk down this road.

At this point, we've dropped the price on our house in an effort to sell it on our own.  (If you know anyone looking in the Fayetteville, AR area, please point them my way!)  It is still our goal to buy ISCA house.  It is still our desire to be a part of sharing Christ and discipling global students on the UofA campus.

Everything in me wants to "do" something to fix this "problem."  I want to hire someone, buy something, call somebody, promote, work, accomplish...  I want to fix it and make everything comfortable for us.

But that is not what God wants.  He wants me to trust Him.  So, I will be still and cling to this verse, knowing that He wants us to be part of taking His name to every nation and exalting Him in all the earth...and that HE alone is God:

Psalm 46:10 - He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”
I saw this picture on Facebook today.  It was very timely and appropriate as my dear hubby works for the local railroad.  I think I need to plaster this on a wall (or my forehead!) to remind me that God is in control, even when I'm in a tunnel and I can't see a darned thing!  Be still....

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