Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fear at 4 a.m.

I've had two recurring dreams throughout my life.  For as long as I can remember, these dreams have haunted me.  Usually, they visit me separately, but lately I've had them concurrently.

In one, I am caught in a tornado.  I am desperately trying to help everyone around me get to safety, and the tornado is on a direct path to wherever we are.  I wake up in a cold sweat just as the tornado hits us.  The meaning of this one is very clear:  in my real life, I feel out of control.

In the second dream, I live in a big old house.  I've just finished redecorating the entire home, when I come across a door that I've never noticed before.  I open it to find another wing of the house that I didn't realize existed.  I have several new rooms to beautify.  This one is a very happy dream, and I wake up energized and excited.  The meaning of this one is also clear: in my real life I am being given new opportunities...doors are being opened.

For the past month or so, I've had both dreams at least once per week.  Tonight, for the first time ever, they overlapped.  I was in my big old house, and the tornado was bearing down on us when I noticed the door I'd never seen before.  I open the door and go in...and I feel safe and at peace.

Then, I woke up and started fretting about how I'm going to make this whole "working for a mission organization" thing work.  I quickly turned to prayer (which is rather unusual for me.  I usually worry for a very long time before remembering I have prayer to turn to.).  God cleared my mind and showed me how its going to work.  He'll take care of the money, I just need to trust and do the work.

Weird and yet...Wonderful.

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