Friday, June 1, 2012

Forgive and Protect

What does it really mean to forgive someone seventy times seven times?  I mean seriously...what does that look like?  At what point do you say to yourself, "Enough is enough."

And what about the whole "forgive and forget" thing?  How does that work?  At what point does thoughtless, hurtful behavior turn the corner and become abuse?  And when do you remove yourself from the path of an abuser?

I understand the freedom of forgiveness.  I've heard all the catchy little phrases, and seen all the pictures about it on facebook.  I realize I am the one who benefits by forgiving someone who has hurt me.  It isn't really for the person by whom I've been wronged.

I am also in touch with my own sin and my need for forgiveness.  I've memorized the Lord's Prayer, too, and I get that I'm to forgive as I have been forgiven.  However, I'm not really certain my loving Heavenly father really wants me to keep putting myself in the position to be hurt over and over and over.

I have taken several "spiritual gift" tests and I always score very high on the Mercy scale.  I do forgive a lot, and usually quite quickly, but that doesn't mean I don't question this as well.  I have some folks I am in the process of forgiving, but I just don't know if I want to forgive and forget this time.  Maybe its time to forgive and protect instead?

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