Monday, June 11, 2012


"The Christian life is about transformation not transactions."  That sounds so simple and so basic.  So why is it so difficult for me to get my brain wrapped around it?

So often when I start thinking about the events in my life and the way I think they should play out, deep down in my psyche I wonder if God is happy enough with me to make things turn out the way I want them to.

When things are going well, in my heart of hearts I believe that I have been doing things right.  I've been having my quiet time.  I've been praying.  I might have even done something really nice for someone else.

I'm probably alone in this, but when times are tough, I find myself secretly thinking, "Okay, God, I know there's a lesson that I'm supposed to be learning.  Please help me learn it quickly, so I can move out of this yuckiness and get back to the blessings."

If I want God to do something, my first thought is, "What do I need to be doing?"

I'm all about the transactions.

The truth is, the only thing I bring to the table in my relationship with God is need.  All He wants...all He has ever relationship.  He has never asked me for anything, yet true faith requires I give Him everything.  Its not a formula:  Give God All + Share God's Blessings = Happy Life. Its more like this: God Gave All x God Blessed Us = Eternal Life.  Even that doesn't really convey how little I have to do with it.

I pray that one day I will look around at my life, whether it is a time of comfort or pain, and rather than first think, "I was good or not good" I will say, "God is good....and I have to tell people about it."  I want to be transformed.

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